Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snapshot of 2011

January 2011 

Jena came to visit!! I cant wait for her to come back, but I dont blame her for never wanting to come in the winter again

February 2011

The snow storm of ALL snow storms!!
People stuck all over LSD but we all got a snow day from our jobs!!
Erica and I were a lost cause trying to get her car unburied.

I took a little trip down to D-town to visit Shanny and Leigh came out to take some shots-skis with us! For some reason this is the only pic i have of that trip lol but i remember alot of good food, drinks and seeing an interesting character from my past (no need for details)

Side Note: At the end of Feb I decided to wash some dishes and slice the crap outta my thumb! My poor roomie had to find me passed out on the kitchen floor because apparently I'm a fainter lol. Anyways, I had to have surgery on my tendon and wear a sweet cast for a couple months to follow.

March 2011

The AZ girls came to visit for St. Pattys Day!! I'm so grateful that I have remained close with these girls even after moving away in the 9th grade. 
Although I had my cast there was no stopping me while they were in town, and hey i had 6 extra sets of hands to do my hair so that was great, but the best part about this is that the week before, there was a fire at my work so i got 2 weeks off paid and never had to miss out on any time with them. (Dont worry no one was injured in the fire, Im not that big of a 'B' to be thankful for a fire if ppl were hurt)

April & May 2011

Ummm to be totally honest April and May are kind of a blur or nothing to specific was happening. Oh well I know the weather was finally getting better and I'm sure we were having fun around the City. Here's just a cute and a very odd pic that happened around this time. Enjoy lol. 

June 2011

My Norwegian bro came to visit! Joakim lived with my Dad and Stepmom 2 years ago and has been family ever since. My Dad, Stepmom, and her daughter Hayden all came up for the weekend! It was lovely, I got verbally assaulted on the street when we were walking back from dinner 1 night... oooh Chicago you never cease to impress the guests.

1 Word: VEGAS!!

(Pools. Drinks. Dancing. Late Nights)

Again I got to hang out with the AZ girls for a weekend, this time in Vegas and for a very special occasion: The Britney Spears Concert!

July 2011

We Moved!! After spending 2 years using a living room as a bedroom me and my fabulous roomies upgraded ourselves and got an actual 3 bedroom apartment downtown! Oh and can I please add that we have a dishwasher now (winning!) so hopefully there will be no more glass cuts in the future.

Also in July my best friend since 3rd grade had a beautiful baby girl who I am madly in love with. Welcome to the world little Mila Monster. I got to meet her over Christmas and she is probably my favorite human on this earth, shes perfect!

Like April and May, August 2011 is quite the blur as well and I dont even have any pictures around so I'm really not sure what happened... On to the next one...

September 2011 

Jacki came to visit again and I met Ronnie from Jersey Shore... yah you guessed it, he is an even bigger douche in person, and those dance skills... oh man.

October 2011

My Momma came to visit me, but sadly I have no photos. I really need to start taking more snapshots of my life! Hopefully she will be out here soon and we can take lots of pics!

 Halloween!!! Both Fri and Sat night we had to dress up in 80's attire at the bar I work at. So if anyone decides to throw an 80's party let me know bc I have the gear and nothing to do with it now!

November 2011

I made a mini Thanksgiving dinner. My Dad and Stepmom drove out and I cooked for once. Made a ham that was big enough to feed 30 people, a hashbrown casserole, green beans, rolls, and some bomb a** brownies!

I also experienced my 1st black friday shopping... I bought a waffle maker and a griddle (guess i was still in cooking mode when i went)

December 2011

For my besties Birthday we did a wine tasting which was a lot of fun (we need to go back) and then we grubbed on some pizza. It was pretty low key which was pretty perfect!

I came home to KC for a full week! It was sooo great to get home and see some friends I hadn't seen in so long as well as all of my familia. We went out in KC my first night back then I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with my family and I even got to get out to Lawrence for a day w/ Jena! Overall this was the best trip home I've had since I moved to Chicago

After I got back, Clara came to visit and since I had to bartend for NYE we went out the night before and also went to see a psychic... ill let u guys know if any of her predictions were correct for 2012 later on, but it was a great night to end 2011 with 2 of my best friends!
And thats a wrap for 2011. Great Memories.

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