Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I be Bloggin'

Hey Hey! So I never thought that I would create one of these so called Blog thingys but I figured Hey its 2012 and time to try some new things. I have no idea what I plan to talk about and discuss on here, but I'm sure I'll be able to entertain the 2 or 3 people that might read this as well as myself.

So since this is my 1st post and it is the beginning of a new year I guess I'll be a little cliche and let you all know my major goals of the year, ok here we go:

NUMBERO UNO: Get my booty out of America (dont worry, not forever just a trip). The only place I've ever been that was outside of the US was Mexico for a spring break trip and lets be honest that does not count, its just an excuse to drink under the age of 21 with other very drunk American college students. So needless to say an overseas trip is far overdue. A trip to Italy w/ my best friend has been discussed so we will get the ball rolling on that and hopefully make the 10ish hour flight sometime this summer.

DOS: Get my booty back in shape. Along with the rest of the world (except maybe the 4% of people born with good genes) I have a strong desire to get back to business on my workouts and figure out a way to control my outrageous sweet tooth. I bought P90X awhile ago and uhhhh well i did about 15 of the 90 days and then i had a minor surgery on my thumb and used that as an excuse to do nothing for 2 months, and then well it was the holidays and blah blah blah (excuses excuses excuses). Anyways, I plan on starting it back up tonight and replacing some meals with my isagenix shakes. Overall weight goal is between 115-120 (I'm only 5'2" for the record).

TRES: Figure out what the F to do in life. This has been an ongoing goal of mine since I was in college, and I have yet to come close to figuring it out. I'm only 24 and I know I have time to figure stuff out, but I wana know NOW. I'll be patient though and explore my opportunities and hopefully one day it will all click together.

So lets see my 3 main goals are travel, get in shape, and figure out my life... Yep I'd say those are every 20-something year olds goals. So good luck to you all (yes all you 2 or 3 ppl reading this) on all your goals and a happy happy new year!


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